Develop your relationship with Jesus, grow your friendships with others, and have fun.
St Peter’s Students is a community on a mission to know Jesus, be known and make him known.
All 18 to 24-year-olds are welcome, whether or not you attend university. Drop us a DM on Instagram if you want to grab a coffee, need a friendly face to meet you on a Sunday or if you have any questions.
What's on
Lunch together, every other Sunday, 1pm
One of our church families opens up their home every other Sunday. Come along and eat a home-cooked meal. We meet at 12.45pm at the red door of St Peter’s to head there together.
The 6.30 at St Peter’s
Join us for an informal service at 6.30pm, with worship, a talk and a chance to pray together, usually followed by food and time to hang out.
In the week
Student Central at St Peter’s, Tuesday 7.30-9.30pm
Grab dinner, connect with friends (new and old) and then worship, pray and explore faith together.
Stay in the loop
Follow us on Instagram @stpetersstudents